


有一位媽媽﹐在她廚房的抽油煙機前面貼上一句話: 我在這裡事奉我的神。有一位卡車司機﹐在高速公路的中途站﹐把愛我們的主﹐介紹給旅途疲憊﹐心靈寂寞的同行們。就如傳道書所說的﹐凡事都有定時﹐好好珍惜這個季節!

轉譯: “每日新生命”與神親近一思...呼召


A "New Life Every Day" Devotional Thought


Calling 呼召

by Steve Arterburn


"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith." - 2 Thessalonians 1:11

因此,我們常為你們禱告,願我們的神看你們配得過所蒙的召,又用大能成就你們一切所羨慕的良善和一切因信心所做的工夫。- 帖撒羅尼迦後書 1:11



My friend was an English teacher at a Christian high school. One day while talking to her students about what they want to do in life, she asked what considerations might motivate their career selection. Money was the top answer, followed by talent, ability, and a general liking for the type of work. Are you saying, she asked her class, that none of you have considered your future occupation in light of what God would have you do?

我的朋友曾經是位教會學校的英文老師。 有一天和學生們談到他們要從事甚麼行業時﹐她問到可能激發他們職業選擇的考慮有那些。“錢”是居首位的答案﹐接著是天資﹐能力﹐對工作類形的一般喜好。“你們是說...”她問到﹐ “你們沒有一個有考慮過你將來的職業是根據神所要你做的嗎?


Sadly, many people think that unless they've received a calling to become a minister or missionary, God can pretty much stay out of the career picture. But God calls dentists, salesclerks, insurance salesmen, truck drivers, moms, and corporate executives. Whatever your occupation might be, see it as a calling from God. And recognize that our main calling in life is to be Christ-like, no matter what we do, who were with, or where we are.

不幸地﹐很多人認為除非他們已經有“呼召”成為牧師或者傳教士﹐神可能幾乎不在事業生涯的圖片裡。然而﹐神呼召牙醫﹐售貨員﹐保險業務員﹐卡車司機﹐媽媽們﹐和事業執行長。 不管你的職業是什麼﹐視為神的呼召。並且認定我們生命中最重要的呼召是像基督﹐不論我們做什麼﹐和誰在一起﹐或者在哪裡。


God does not call those that are equipped. He equips those whom He has called. - Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) 神不呼召那些沒有裝備好的﹐祂裝備那些祂呼召的。

Translation copyright © 2007 Priscilla Wey


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