
Leaving a Positive Legacy

by Steve Arterburn 


( 相片出處: 维基百科--諾貝爾獎創辦人 )


In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech. Titus 2:7






Did you know the Nobel Peace Prize is named after Alfred Nobel, the Swedish industrialist who invented dynamite? Its an interesting story. When Alfreds brother Ludvig died, a newspaper mistook Ludvig for Alfred. As a result, the newspaper printed Alfreds obituary, with a headline that read, The Merchant of Death Is Dead. The obituary then proceeded to describe Alfred as a man who made his fortune helping people kill one another.


你知不知道諾貝爾和平獎是以愛爾菲諾貝爾來命名的﹐這個發明炸彈的瑞典工業家麼 ? 這是一個有趣的故事。話說﹐當愛爾菲的弟弟 Ludvig 過逝時﹐一家報社誤將Ludvig 當作愛爾菲。想當然爾的結果﹐這家報紙的訃聞頭條寫著: 死亡商人﹐死了。這訃聞繼續描述著愛爾菲是一個靠著助長人們互相廝殺來發財的人。


Alfred Nobel was cut to the heart. His legacy, as the obituary described it, was simply tragic. So he set himself to the task of changing it while he was still able. When Alfred really died eight years later, he left $9 million to fund awards for people whose work benefited humanitythus, the birth of what we know as Nobel Peace Prizes.




Alfred Nobel was given a rare gift: the opportunity to read his own obituary, and make changes before it was too late. Image yourself in his shoes. If your life ended today, how would those around you assess your contribution to your fellow man?


愛爾菲諾貝爾承受了稀有珍貴的禮物: 拜讀自己的訃聞的機會﹐而且做了改變以免太遲。假想你在他的情景。如果你的生命結束於今天﹐你週圍的人是如何評定你對你同胞的貢獻呢 ?


Unlike Alfred Nobel, none of us will probably ever read our own obituaries. However, all of us have the opportunity to live examined lives, and to make changes where changes are due.




What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. - Pericles (495-429 B.C.)


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Translation copyright © 2007 Priscilla Wey


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