
今天放學,剛好DD 要和他的好友再玩一會兒,我們兩個媽媽也都准了,就在學校Playground 聊天了起來.

這位媽媽打算唸完這學年後就 Relocate 到 Nevada 去,談到這邊灣區的生活,他認為實在很不適合raise Family. 其實我已經聽了很多人說過,我也曾經考慮過move out Bay Area, 只是對我們亞裔的Engineer 來說,除了加州,德州,New York, Oregon....etc.這幾個地方讓我們最如魚得水, 其他的地方不論是找工作或著fit in the society都比較困難.

(I quit 注音 now, next time I will do better--more注音 typing)

This mom told me that her husband always want to have a farm and several acre of land to raise a family. He stuck here in Bay Area for 15 years to take care her side of older family member. Now this mom's mother had just pass away the past summer time, he think it's time to move on for the future. I do agree with her and her husband. But it's easy for them as America born fellows, hard for us emigrants. Here is Bay Area, you have to be a billionaire to own a piece of property that size and still in a desired neighborhood. Well, I will love to dream while I talk to them, and get back to ground when I get home.

She also mentioned about the schools over those area. It's a much smaller town, has more humanness, slower pace, and safer for kids to play in front yard without adult's supervision. Since she doesn't really care too much on academic performance, as long as the school is above average is fine to their family.

After we talked about academic area, I was supprised that she think the school we currently have is a good one. Then I was thinking why I am not satisfied with what I have now. Am I expect too much or just different culture and value system?!

    創作者 矽谷樂媽 的頭像


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